
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

isha kriya Instructions

isha kriya Instructions

isha kriya Instructions
isha kriya Instructions


Sit facing east in a cross-legged posture, with your spine comfortably erect.
Keep your hands upon your thighs, with your palms facing up.
With your face slightly upturned, eyes closed, keep a mild focus between
your eyebrows.

The Meditation

This meditation will happen in three stages:

Stage 1:

Inhale and exhale gently, slowly.
With each inhalation, mentally say to yourself: “I am not the body.” The
inhalation should last the whole duration of that thought.
With each exhalation, mentally say to yourself: “I am not even the mind.”
The exhalation should last for the whole duration of that thought.
Repeat this for 7 to 11 minutes.

Stage 2:

Utter a long “A” sound (as the “a” in father). The sound should come from
just below the navel. You need not utter it very loud, but loud enough to
feel the vibration.
Utter the long “A” sound 7 times, exhaling fully into each sound.

Stage 3:

Sit for 5 to 6 minutes with a slightly upturned face, and keep a mild focus
between your eyebrows.
The total time of this practice is between 12 to 18 min. You can sit longer if
you want.


While you sit for the Isha Kriya, do not pay attention to the activity of the
mind or body. Whatever is happening in your body or your mind, just ignore
it and simply sit there.
Do not take a break in between, as it will disturb the reorganization
of energies that happens during the practice.
Each time you do the kriya , you must do it for a minimum of 12 minutes,
and twice a day for 48 days (considered as a full mandala or cycle), or once
a day for 90 days. This is your commitment. This is your Gurudakshina.
Anyone can practice this kriya and enjoy its benefits. Simply follow
the instructions without making any changes. This is a simple but
very potent kriya.
You can remind yourself th at “ I am not the body. I am not even the mind”
anytime during the day.

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